Growing up Miraculous

What do your kids understand about your chronic leukemia?

I get asked this question from time to time, which spurs me to check in on the comprehension of my little miracle people at their unique stages of development. So, summertime fun at the Coats’ household involves joining Mommy at her Cancer Doctor appointment on the 13th floor of the hospital.


Why is Mommy going to the doctor?

Ella, 10 years old: Because she has cancer.

What is cancer?

Ella: Something bad. Bad cells in your body.

What kind of cancer does Mommy have?

Jamin, 8 years old: leu-quinoa (jokingly, a reference to creative terminology in an earlier stage of development)

What did the doctor do for Mommy?

Ella: NOTHING! They just talked. And he asked her funny doctor stuff, like about diarrhea and constipation!! (Giggles.)

What’s the best part of Mommy’s leuquinoa?

Ella and Jamin: More device time…while Mommy naps, and during her doctor appointments!!


What’s the worst part?

Ella: Mommy gets too tired to do stuff.

…Ella and Jamin crowded into the exam room—alongside Dr. K, my husband, the Med student, and me.  My hematologist has journeyed with me through 3 challenging, yet successful pregnancies.  Today, a decade in, Dr. K. marveled at my medical miracles, as they were contentedly distracted by Hungry Shark Evolution on Ella’s iPod.


It’s good to pause, from time to time, and wonder at the living, breathing miraculous I get to do life with. Especially now, as summertime comes to a close, and they head back to school.


5 thoughts on “Growing up Miraculous

  1. Deborah Ordus says:

    Your whole life is a miracle that’s fun to watch! God bless that family of yours. You are much loved! ❤️

  2. Yes so true, great reminder, I needed that, our kids also need this reminder often! xoxoxo

    • Yes…because on sticky August days when the AC isn’t working and everyone is hot and bothered, it’s easy to lose sight of miraculous. Glad I get to do this crazy life with you. ❤ ❤

  3. […] was my chronic leukemia treatments that routed us to the heart of Motown. One by one, each of our miracle Michiganders grounded us here.  Much of our tight budget was reserved for paying off three miracle […]

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