My COVID-19 Lament

On My Mind

Last week in a Trauma Healing group we explored the genre of lament. Lament is simply an expression of grief. And grief is mourning a loss.

Where has the genre of lament been all my life?

When we came to the exercise of writing our own lament, the turmoil of my heart flooded onto paper. I felt a deep sense of validation by this genre that had its own unique purpose and parameters.

In many ways I feel drawn to grief. Just as some people are the life of a party, I feel connected to others in times of grief–it’s when our hearts are most vulnerable and we are in a place to process raw emotions. Grief is a significant part of life, and as a culture I’m not sure we do it very well.

So here is my current lament–an expression of my grief about the pandemical state of…

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